Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Calling

Shortly after we moved to Tennessee (almost a year ago), I got called to be a primary teacher for the 10 year old class at church. I had a very active group of 10-year olds that kept me on my toes, but I did love them (one of which was my daughter, Jesikah)!! It was fun that SHE loved the fact that I was her teacher (kids don't always want their mom as a teacher).

When the new year came and the older group moved up the the 11-year old class, I had an easier time though and just when things were going great, I was asked to be primary pianist. My class had a hard transition at first, and I missed teaching them too. It's only been a couple of months since I've been the pianist and I do love it. It takes next to no preparation and it gives me a chance to just relax and play the piano. I wouldn't have minded doing it for awhile longer but...

Today, I was called as Primary 1st counselor. Although, I would have been very complacent and happy playing the piano, this will be a new experience and more of a challenge for me. I'm very excited about my new calling and I know I'll love it just as much. I'm sure I'll learn and grow a lot through the process. I'll be working under a great president too. I really love working with the Primary and I'm glad that I got to stay in there since that is where 3 of my 4 kids are, and Eric is with Alex in Young Men's.


6L's said...

very excited about working with you!

Linda said...

You all are going to do such a great job! I am really excited. It'll be especially great to have someone in charge who knows exactly what it's like to teach my particular class. :-)

Heather said...

I am secretary for Primary and am loving being in there too. You were always so good as primary chorister that you will do great with sharing times, etc.

Anonymous said...

How fun! Its a lot more work than the pianist calling it sounds like it, but I am sure its just as rewarding :) I liked being in primary too. Jared and I were called to be activities chair people in this ward.

Candace said...

You'll do great in the Primary. Good luck with your new calling!