Saturday, March 8, 2014

Derby and Dinner

Jarem got to go to the District Championship with his pinewood derby car.  He was very excited to see what his car could really do.  The track used in our troop had a faulty lane and Jarem kept getting assigned to that lane.  Sometimes it would flip his car off, and then he couldn't see if he won but was automatically disqualified. 

His car did average in districts.  He got second and third in the races he participated and ended up 19th overall.  There were about 35 that participated (which were all the top 3 winners of their individual troops).  He was disappointed, but I didn't think it was too bad.

Jarem on the back left looking nervous

Later that day, we attended the baptism of Mickey Head.  The baptism was a wonderful spiritual high with our family together.  Our girls were asked to perform a musical number.  They did a wonderful job.  Afterwards, I took the kids out to dinner.  Eric wasn't able to come, but we still went.  We don't go out to dinner very often all together, so that was nice.  Alex wasn't working that night so that was especially unusual.  We went to Cracker Barrel which was a good family atmosphere for us.  We had a really nice time.  I love these kids.
Their favorite are the Stewarts Orange Cream Soda
 Micah stayed entertained with the wooden peg game.  And he entertained us all with his excitement about it.

He would balance the pegs on the block or table....

...And then get excited and laugh every time it stayed balanced.
It was a fun evening and reminded me how much I will miss having the family together once Alex leaves.

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