Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thoughts on Mother's Day

I am always touched by the loving things my kids do for me on Mother's Day. They really can be very thoughtful. I know there is a lot that I can do to be a better mother, but I appreciate the fact that my kids accept me for what I am and show appreciation for the things I do. Jesikah made arrangements with Eric the night before to fix me a surprise breakfast in bed on Mother's Day. Jesikah loves giving gifts, and breakfast in bed is one of her favorite things to do on special days. I had a breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes, which I couldn't even finish. It was very good.

The girls were very excited to give me their presents, so they wanted to do it before church. They both gave me fired clay trinket holders(I wasn't sure exactly what they are called) that they made at school. Jesikah re-painted hers once she got it home because she didn't think it looked good enough. She is a perfectionist. They were both very different but very beautiful and precious. They also gave me several other gifts and cards. Tessa gave me a marigold that she planted at school. Jarem wanted to be part of it too, so he made me some cards because he wanted to do something.

Trinket holders from the girls
One of Jesikah's cards...she did a cute job on the drawing I thought.

It warmed my heart to know that even my teenager has a sensitive side. He has a hard time expressing how he feels and showing love and emotions sometimes. Once you are a teenager, your teachers at school don't help you out much with Mother's Day gifts. Today after sacrament meeting, all the boys passed out roses to the mothers. I was behind the piano on the stage playing music, and Alex made sure that I got a rose and that HE gave it to me. That was very sweet. Then, after church, he made snickerdoodles and formed some in the words "Alex Loves Mom" and gave it to me . They were very tasty, but I appreciated the kind gesture the most.

I love being a mom today! I'm so grateful for my kids and my wonderful husband. And especially today, I'm grateful for MY wonderful mother. When I have a decision to make, I often try to think of what my mom would have done or how she would have reacted. She was always so patient and unselfish, always putting us first. I'm amazed at how calm she managed to stay even in the most frustrating circumstances. She was always there by our side when we were sick or hurt. I also often think about how she cooked us a hot breakfast every morning before school without fail. I want to do that for my kids, but it doesn't happen everyday yet. I loved the fact that we had a home-cooked dinner each night as a family. I always looked forward to that. Thanks Mom for being so great! "All that I am or ever hope to become, I owe to my angel Mother". I believe it was Abraham Lincoln who said that, and it is certainly true for me as well.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Isn't it funny how you never truly know or appreciate everything your mom does for you until you become one yourself? Those were sweet gifts.