Friday, May 1, 2009

Sweet Rewards

Jesikah has the most awesome Primary teacher at church! She loves her and has learned so much already this year. She has kind of a challenging class (I taught them last year, so I understand), and so she has set-up an incentive for them. Each week that they behave well, they get a pretty colored rock, and once they have collected 10, they can get either a giant cookie or a t-shirt. Jesikah chose the cookie, of course, because she loves sweets. (Not that I would have chosen any different) :)

So, this past Sunday, Jesikah earned her 10th rock. Yesterday, her teacher (Linda Howe) brought over the giant cookie for her. Jesikah was totally thrilled! Thanks Linda for being such a great teacher.


Susan said...

Corey would eat that cookie in one sitting! Congrats Jesikah and enjoy!

Linda said...

I am so glad she liked it! It was a lot of fun to make--I'm going to have to stock up on chocolate chips now because I think the rest of the kids are going to pick the cookie too! :-)

Fourtner Family said...

Jesikah, That looks delicious! I loved visiting your primary class--your teacher is nice! Love, Ally