Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I am so grateful for my friend, Laura, who got me motivated to do this project!  I bought a 60 lb bin of local honey last year.  It has been sitting on the floor of my pantry gathering dust.  I needed to transfer it into quart jars so I could more easily use it, but it has gotten ignored.

Well, Laura texted me the other day wanting to buy some honey from me.  I proceeded to tell her that it was all still in this giant jug.  Sweet Laura offered to help me jar all the honey if she could buy some.  This morning she came over, and we got it done within an hour.  The honey tasted delicious and was so smooth.  I can't wait to finally start using it!  You can probably see the big bin in the background propped in the sink getting the last drops of honey into the 19th quart jar (not counting Laura's 2).  Thank you Laura for your help and for giving me the kick in the pants that I needed to get this done! :) 


6L's said...

it went a lot quicker than i expected and you got quite a bit, yay! thanks so much for letting me buy some off you! i was happy to help!

Susan said...

That is a lot of honey!

Carroll Family said...

Do you have to seal it special or just put it in jars? Great idea!