Wednesday, September 7, 2011

40 Party!

I just posted about Eric's real birthday here.
Also, check out Jesikah's birthday which is the post before Eric's. 

Since Eric turned 40, I wanted to do a little party for him, but since he is not much of a party person, I decided to just do something small with snacks, desserts, and close friends at our house.  We invited 7 couples, but only 3 couples were able to make it because it interfered with Labor Day weekend.  Regardless though, it was a lot of fun.  Everyone brought a snack to share and we also made snacks and desserts.  I made two of his favorite lemon meringue pies since he had to have the store bought kind for his real birthday.  He did make the crusts though.  They turned out better than ever!  Jesikah and I also made a brownie trifle.  It was very rich, but yummy too.  I made deviled eggs and fresh salsa.  The fresh salsa was a recipe that I have wanted to replicate for awhile, but I didn't know exactly what was in it.  I was surprised when it turned out almost exactly like the original.  I am going to put the recipe in the next post so I will remember when I want to make it again.  It was exactly what I wanted it to be.

After loading our plates with snacks, we played the "Who is older" game that I borrowed from my friend whose husband turned 40 last year, and I added a few of my own questions.  There were 6 categories and you roll the dice to see which category.  The categories are on the white board below.  Then, we divided into teams and each team took a turn rolling and answering a question.  In the game they had to answer if "Eric is younger" or "Eric is older" than a particular event, music, inventions, and so forth.  On the music category, we actually listened to the song.  Then I made a category for Eric where there were questions about him they had to answer.  It was a lot of fun and we were all laughing most of the night.  We ended with dessert and more talking and socializing.  We didn't get to bed until after 11:30, but I think a good time was had by all.  Eric seemed to enjoy himself as well.

These are a sampling of the cards from each category: starting top left: inventions, music, events, lds, Eric, and TV.

One of the pies


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I didn't get any pictures that night.  I took these the next morning.  I always feel weird posting pictures of parties, because I don't want anyone to get their feelings hurt and feel they should have been invited.  There is always a fine line on who to invite and who not to.  Since we couldn't accomodate everyone we wanted to invite in our home, we just kept it small.


6L's said...

you are such a "white" girl (color code, people!), keeping the peace. ;) seriously, you are so kind and thoughtful not to hurt anyone's feelings. :) glad you had a fun time! the salsa and desserts sound amazing!!

Susan said...

Sounds like fun. That game is pretty cool. I'll have to remember that for when Scott turns January. Wow, he's old ;)

Linda said...

I know just what you mean about trying not to upset anyone! All those ideas for a "40" party sound great. I've got just a few years left before Jer and I will need to use them! And I am totally going to try that salsa recipe! I love homemade salsa.

Nikki said...

How fun that Eric is the big 40. You really went all out. Can we hire you to plan a party for us?? I have that salsa recipe too and it is my favorite!