Saturday, January 30, 2010

More Bread

Since my parents left, we have been excited about baking our own bread again.  I used to bake bread a lot, but haven't in the past few years because I just have gotten out of the habit.  Last week, Eric and I baked bread with my mom's recipe using our new Kitchen Aid mixer.  It turned out great.  I love how soft it is with the dough enhancer.  I formed two loaves and he formed two loaves.  The kids voted on the loaf they thought looked the most perfect.  One of Eric's won, although I personally voted for mine.  I think he was having a little too much influence over the kid's decisions if you ask me! :)


Christie said...

I need to get your recipe, they look perfect!

Susan said...

Can Eric get Scott to bake bread?

Susan said...

BTW, if I were there I would have voted for yours :)

Nadia said...

When I got married, I forced Spenser into buying a bread machine with some returns we made. I promised that I would have keep the smell of freshly baked bread in the house ALWAYS. Well, when we moved out to Ohio after 1 1/2 years of marriage Spense made me give the breadmaker away since I had only used it a couple of times. Well done for keeping up with it!