Monday, November 30, 2020

Thanksgiving Holiday

For the Thanksgiving holidays, we had all the kids back home. Alex was home for most of November and December since he wanted to spend a little extra time with Tessa before she left. He works remotely, so he can work from almost anywhere. Jesikah brought her boyfriend, Matt, home to spend Thanksgiving with us too. Jesikah and Matt arrived on the Monday before Thanksgiving and Matt was able to stay until the following weekend. It was fun having a full house. Jesikah stayed until after Christmas since all her classes went online after Thanksgiving. Then she went to Matt's house for about 10 days after Christmas.

The night before Thanksgiving, we had our pie making contest. We started this tradition last year. We split everyone into teams: Micah and Mom, Jes and Matt, Alex and Tessa, and Jarem and Dad. Each team made a pie and then the next day, we voted on the best looking and the best tasting pie. I won't tell you the results yet. Micah and I made an apple pie with caramel drizzle and vanilla ice cream. Jes and Matt made a chocolate silk pie. Alex and Tessa made an Oreo ice cream pie and Eric and Jarem made a pumpkin pie.

Jesikah and Matt's won the best looking. They took a lot of time melting chocolate and creating their design. :) I'm proud to say that Micah and I's won the best taste. I was a little proud of this because this is one of the first time's we have had apple pie for Thanksgiving. (We had it when I was a kid, but not since Eric and I have been married). Usually the kids don't want apple, so the fact that I won meant a lot. :)

One of the other days we decorated sugar cookies! They were yummy!

Jesikah and Matt had a date night to a fancy dinner while here. Jes was pretty sure he was going to propose that night, but he didn't. :) He kept her on the edge of her seat. Haha!

Jes, Matt, and I went to Boone Hall Plantation on one of the days after the boys went back to school and Eric was at work! It has become of of my favorite places to visit this year. It's so beautiful and I love the wagon ride through the property. I think this was the 4th time that I visited it this year. Below is a picture of them on the wagon ride.

Creek next to Boone Hall Plantation

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