Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Morning Bike Rides

One thing that I've really enjoyed since moving here is riding my bike. Eric got me a bike for my birthday in April and I've ridden it a lot since then. One blessing of the coronavirus quarantine is that I've had lots of time to ride my bike. I also decided at the beginning of the pandemic that Micah was going to learn to ride a bike too, so Micah and I have gone on lots of bike rides together. We also ride our bikes to Micah's school most mornings. We've had a lot of good times together.

But sometimes, I like to ride alone early in the morning after I drop Micah off for school. I like to ride around the neighborhood and near the lake. It just feels me with peace and gratitude and gives me clarity of thought. On these mornings, as the sun is rising, sometimes I get off my bike and just ponder or pray for a little bit right here on this bench if no one is around. I'm so grateful for the beautiful world that we live in.


1 comment:

Susan said...

Ooh, I like your bike! We have been pondering getting bikes since we have so many bike paths in our neighborhood, but now that we have Rosie I'm not sure that will happen...although, she is pretty fast, she could probably keep up with us!