Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Blessing for Munroe!

 After going to the temple with Tessa on Thursday, we spent the day on Friday with James and RaTray and took them to the Boone Hall Plantation. I let Micah skip school so he could spend time with his cousin, Kaleb. They had a good time at the plantation. They especially loved collecting pecans under the pecan trees and trying to crack them open. We had fun playing games together on Friday night with our kids and James and RaTray.

I guess I only got one picture at Boone Hall. This is a picture of the ripe cotton that used to be one of their main crops on the plantation.

Saturday morning, we got up bright and early and headed to Alabama for the blessing of Kyle and Jessica's new baby, Munroe. Our older kids didn't want to go on the long road trip (9 hours each way) so we only took Micah. He was excited to see his cousins.

We enjoyed driving through the Smoky Mountains and seeing the fall colors. Even though it was a very long drive for such a short time with them, it was worth it. They will be moving back to Germany in a few months, so it was great to see them. We got there Saturday evening and stayed until Sunday around 1pm. We enjoyed a nice church service at home with their family and got to be there for cute Munroe's blessing. I especially enjoyed cuddling and holding Munroe every chance I got. He is a sweet and cuddly little guy! Kyle and Jess definitely have their hands full with these 5 boys!!

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