Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Girl's Night at Lewis BBQ

One of the gals from church has been planning these "Supp Club" nights for ladies who want to get together and try new restaurants. Pre-Covid, it was once a month and we would try a new restaurant each time. There are so many great restaurants in the Charleston area of all different types of food. So much so, that the chain restaurants are not even popular here (except maybe Chick-Fil-A). :) When we lived here before, I used to go to the Supp Club nights and really enjoyed them, so I was excited to go.

Anyway, Valerie has been trying to get Supp Club started again and she is being really careful about finding restaurants where we can dine outside and social distance as much as possible. It's tricky, but I think she has done a great job. Lewis BBQ was a win! I thoroughly enjoyed my night out with these ladies.  The beef brisket was so amazingly tender. Yum!! The food was delicious and the company even better!

I liked it so much, that I took Eric and the boys out a week later and they loved it as well! I loved these luminaries that were hanging down from the Live Oak tree. It made a very nice ambience.

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