Thursday, November 5, 2020

Going to the Temple with Tessa

On November 5, Tessa went through the temple for the first time in Columbia, SC! Due to Covid, the numbers were very limited of people for who could attend. But also due to Covid, she got her very own personal temple session with only friends and family. It was pretty special. Alex came down from DC to share this time with her. My brother and his wife (James and RaTray) came up from Orlando to spend the day with us also. Also, Bishop Smith and Kristy Smith came. It was a beautiful sunny day and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Afterwards, we ate lunch at Cracker Barrel. 

Tessa would be starting the online MTC on November 11 (which was also Alex's birthday). Since Alex works remotely anyway, he decided to come and spend all of November and December here with us and spend a little more time with Tessa before she left and his birthday and the holidays. 

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