Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ready to Go!

Monday morning, I told Jarem to get dressed because we were going to the store. He came downstairs and this was what he was wearing. He was SO proud of the way he dressed himself. It was so cute, so I had to get a picture. He likes his new tie so much that he wants to wear it everyday. :) It was hard to convince him that we should save it for Sundays.

Notice Jarem's fat lip? Alex was playing one of his signature "wild games" Sunday night when someone got hurt (it's a novel idea, I know). I would call the game "diving airplane". He was running around the house holding Jarem horizontally like an airplane when something went wrong and he dropped Jarem flat on his face on the hardwood floor. His bottom and top teeth went through his lip and he also split his gums. Poor Jarem...


Candace said...

That poor lip looks like it really hurts. I love the outfit that he put together! Isn't it funny how kids can put the craziest things together and think they look good!

Susan said...

That sounds like a really fun game and I'm sure he loved it until he got hurt. I'm sure they'll be up to it again in no time! I'm glad he's fine. Hey, what's childhood without some war wounds? For example: when Scott was pushing the girls in the stroller with Gabby on Corey's lap (against my advice I should add) and they hit a bump and fell face first with Corey on top onto the pavement. Gabbby got some lovely scratches on her face. Yeah, not his brightest moment! But it makes a good story!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...that's sad! It reminds me of what Jared did the other day. We were playing tenis and he accidently swung up and nicked his lip pretty good. It looked like he had got in a fight! But it was pretty funny!

I think its so fun to read what everyone has to put on their blogs. I feel like we don't live so far away!