Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jessica's Baby Shower

We got up early Saturday morning and drove to Huntsville, Alabama where we spent the day with Eric's brother, Kyle, and his wife Jessica.  Her first baby is due soon, and one of her friends had a baby shower for her.  The girls and I went to the baby shower while the boys hung out with Kyle.  The baby shower was fun with lots of good food.  We had a game where we were supposed to name that movie...it was pitiful how bad we all did!  Definitely not my thing! :) Jessica got lots of great gifts.  It was amazing how many talented friends she has that made home-made gifts.  I was impressed!

I took my camera but then ended up having fun with Jessica's new camera all day and left mine in the car. I went home without a single picture so I was excited when she posted some of her favorites on her blog. Here's the ones I copied from her blog.  I felt like I was legitimate in stealing them since I was the taker. :)

The bottom one is a picture of the cradle her dad made for her.  It was amazing!!

After the shower, we just watched some movies and talked. Unfortunately towards the end of the shower I was beginning to get a headache, and within an hour it had turned into a full-blown migraine with the nausea and all.  After taking all the medication that I could, I went outside for awhile to try and  see if the fresh air would help.  I was downright miserable for a few hours, but when I was finally able to take some more medication, it finally did the trick as well as a delicious meal at Red Robin (one of my favorite restaurants that we don't have in Clarksville) as well as Eric massaging my neck.  Whew! I was thankful for that pain to be gone.  Despite the headache though, it was a lot of fun.  We always have a good time with Kyle and Jessica and it was fun to get to know her mom and sister too.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Sounds like a good trip (except for the migraine..poor you!). Glad it got better, though, and you were able to enjoy some yummy food at Red Robin. It's funny they don't have one in Nashville. We hardly ever go to the one here. Go figure.