Thursday, October 17, 2013

8 Months

My Favorite
Micah is now 8 months old.  The time is just flying by.  I took these pictures about 6 days after he turned 8 months since we were on vacation.    
 Micah has been going through a difficult stage sleeping at  night this past month.  I nurse him before putting him to bed, but if he wakes up at all when I set him in bed and sees me leave the room (which most nights he does), he will scream and will not stop.  If I stay in his room and stand by his bed, he will just play and eventually fall asleep, and sometimes it takes awhile.  There's no sneaking out, cause he keeps checking to make sure I'm there.  If I try to leave, he will cry.  I tried to let him cry it out two different nights, and he cried for an hour both times without going to sleep.  I can't handle him crying that long.  Those are really the only times he has ever cried like that, so I think he is scared and I don't want him to feel scared and alone.  I'd rather just stand by his bed so he knows I'm there.  Sometimes I softly rub his cheeks and forehead to help him for to sleep faster.  He usually goes to bed around 7-7:30.  

Then once he goes to sleep, he has been waking up around 11 and again around 2-4am.  Once I nurse him, he will go back to sleep without a problem.  I hope he gets through this stage quickly, cause I'm ready to get some more sleep.  That said though, most of the time I really don't mind getting up in the night with him.  I consider it just a little extra bonding time that I get with him.  Since we had him so much later than the others, I consider him a "bonus round", and now that I know how quickly the time flies, I want to soak in every second.  I try to relish in the moment as often as possible. 

He's been doing awesome on his naps though.  He doesn't have any trouble going to sleep on his own with maybe only a little fuss when I lay him down. 

I think his waking up in the night may be due to his teething.  He cut his first front tooth on his 8 month birthday and the second one a few days later, which bring his total tooth count to 5 (3 on bottom, 2 on top).  He is really good about not biting while nursing though.
He has been nursing really good and it has really become a good source of nutrition as well as a comfort thing for him.  I've been having a few breastfeeding complications, and I hope they get resolved soon so I can continue breastfeeding.  I'd like to make it to one year for him.  He is great at eating solids too.  He will eat almost any baby food I give him.  Even ones that my other babies didn't like, like peas.  He doesn't like to open his mouth very wide, so sometimes you have to just put the spoon up to his mouth and he will almost slurp it off the spoon and into his mouth.  It's kind of funny.
He rolls all over now and sometimes he will try to get into a crawling position, but not much yet.  He sits well on his own.  He is starting to be interested in words and sounds.  He can say Tessa and Dad.  He loves to play with his toes and sometimes he will even bring them to his mouth to suck them.  He is a generally happy and delightful baby.  I can't express the joy that he brings into our home.

One of my favorites cause he grabs his feet like this all the time and I think it is adorable!
I could hardly keep him still for the pictures.  He was rolling all over.

Micah giving the bear cute!



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