Friday, May 25, 2012

Luxury Living

Tessa hasn't minded the hospital at all. She said it is like a luxury hotel where everyone waits on you and you get your meals served to you in bed.

Jarem let her take his Horton the green elephant with her do she would remember him. They have a sweet relationship.  Horton and Mr Cuddles (her new penguin) are becoming friends. I knew she would love the penguin because of the big eyes. They have been inseparable ever since she got it.
They are a bit slow at getting our discharge orders in the computer this morning so we are just waiting.


Cindy Ricks said...

We are glad everything went well and you get to go home. Breakfast in bed is pretty sweet though.

6L's said...

glad all went well! i'm with tessa, i love staying in the hospital and having others take care of me. :)

Susan said...

Hey will you bring me breakfast in bed too? It didn't look bad for hospital food!