Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jarem and the Pillows

The night before last, Jarem came into our room after everyone was in bed and asked if he could use our extra pillows that we use on our bed as decorative to make a bed on the floor. Eric and I said ok, so yesterday morning, I took a picture of what he did with them.

He made himself a bed on the floor of pillows and slept on top of the body pillow. As you can see, it is right next to his bed...I'm not sure why he felt it would be better than his bed, but he went to sleep.
Next to him are the stack of books he looked at before he fell asleep. I guess he was happy with his bed because he slept there all night. The grass is always greener on the other side, huh?


Anonymous said...

Thats cute...looks like he had a good time!

Heather said...

Kids are too funny.