Monday, July 6, 2009


It's too hot for long hair, so today was a day for haircuts. I'm one to procrastinate haircuts as long as possible because I don't like getting everything out and getting hairs all over. Not only that, but it feels more rewarding if you cut a lot off. :) It gets expensive to pay for all of us to get haircuts, so I usually try to cut Eric and the kids hair myself to save money. Then, I get mine done elsewhere since there is no one to cut it. What's a girl to do? ;)
Today I cut about 6 inches off Tessa's hair, so it looked a lot different to me. For Jarem, I just gave a good short boy cut. You can't see his too well because I kind of cut off the top of the picture. Jesikah said she didn't need a haircut and Alex was at soccer camp (he whines the most about haircuts). Alex will be getting one before the end of the week though. His hair is getting too long and with scout camp next week, he'll want to do anything he can to keep cool.


Anonymous said...

Great job! I keep on trying to get Jared to let me cut his hair, but he thinks he will end up with a bowl cut or a buzz. Maybe I can convince him once I start cutting our kids hair....

Susan said...

You are more talented then me. Whenever I try to cut Corey's bangs they end up really crooked or I miss several hairs :)

the Sayler's said...

I have cut our families hair for years- with only a few "aborted missions" - I haven't had to use the #2 all over for a long time :)

Candace said...

Tessa's hair is super cute. Looks like you had a fun 4th and a good time with Mom and Dad. I like all your blog updates!

Nadia said...

I'm sure that Eric could help out with yours!