Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 5--National Air & Space Museum

Today, Friday April 3, we spent at the National Air and Space Museum. Like the Natural History Museum, we spent the whole day there, and still didn't see everything. We saw a lot though. We saw 2 IMAX movies and we saw a planetarium show about black holes. The IMAX movies we saw were Fighter Pilots and 3D Sun. There were both really good. Of course, the kids enjoyed the simulators too. Alex and Eric went on a flight simulator while the girls went on a rollercoaster simulator.

Alex favorite things of the day were the Fighter Pilots movie and the riding in the simulator. Jesikah liked the Fighter Pilots movie and the "How Things Fly" exhibit. That exhibit was especially for kids and had all kinds of gadgets and things that showed how things can fly. We were able to attend a workshop for kids on flight. Tessa got chosen to be part of the demonstration. She had to hold a piece of paper above her lips and blow and then below her lips and blow. She had to guess which way the paper would go. She was surprised that when the paper was below her lips, it went up when she blew instead of down. Tessa's best thing was participating in the demonstration but then her worst thing was then dropping the paper from the demonstration off a balcony(thinking she could catch it) and watching it fall and another child pick it up. So sad, but afterall, she was being careless if you ask me.

Jarem stayed up too late the night before, and he didn't want to get up Friday morning.

The kids and I getting ready to enter the Air and Space Museum.

Eric and the kids by one of the astronauts in spacesuits

Tessa and Jarem enjoying the model of the solar system

Waiting for "3D Sun" to start in their cool glasses

Tessa playing with a gadget in the "How Things Fly" exhibit

Eric pointing something out to Jarem on an interactive screen

Jarem next to some of the planes that he liked

Tessa participating in the class

Tessa and the demonstrator blowing on their papers
This was our last day, Saturday we ate breakfast and packed up. We got home late Saturday night.


Anonymous said...

That guy in the space suit is kinda scary i think! I love the picture of your kids with their 3-d glasses on, that's so classic. Jarem looks so thrilled in the front :) Looks like another fun day!

Susan said...

You guys sure did a lot on your trip to'll have to give us some secrets for things to do & see when we go hopefully next year. I like that sculpture at the front of the museum. What was it?