Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Fitness Pal

Eric recently told me that every conversation I have eventually ties into "my fitness pal". Sadly, he is mostly right. I try not to bring it up, but eventually it just comes up. :) I guess if it's become that big a part of my life, it is blog-worthy.

A little over a month ago, I went to see my close friend, Linda, when her son returned from his mission. Surprisingly, she had lost over 30 pounds since I last saw her. Just as I ask all my friends who have lost weight: How did you do it? The answer was simple: My fitness pal! I'd heard of it, but never tried it. After her description, I decided to try it! You don't have to give anything up except total number of calories. You can have carbs or something sweet if you want, you just have to stay within your calories. And...you get extra calories when you exercise!!! 

In the past, I have been a crash dieter. I want to get the weight off as quickly as possible so I can get back to eating foods I like. I am normally a pretty healthy eater thanks to my great parents who raised me on garden fresh vegetables and home canned fruit, but I love all food. I am not a big carb eater, but I don't like giving it completely up either. I do like my sweets, but I don't need a lot to satisfy me, so this seemed a perfect solution for me and it has been. 

I downloaded the app on my phone and set it to lose 1 pound per week. I record everything I eat, my exercise, and my weight. I've been doing it for about a month now and lost 8 pounds. I have to say it is the easiest diet I have ever done. Yes, I have to be careful what I eat, but I can choose how I want to use my calories and I'm not hungry or left craving sweets. It's perfect for me. I plan to continue until I lose a bit more, but now that I've done it, it isn't hard at all.


Susan said...

So proud of you!! Way to go!!

Cindy Ricks said...

That is awesome! Good Job! I love Fitness Pal! That is how I lost my weight after having Gavin. I have learned that I have to be diligent in entering my calories...which can be a bit difficult sometimes. I love that you can scan the barcode so you don't have to enter anything in.