Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Day!

We invited our good friends, The Howe Family, over for Thanksgiving dinner.  We also invited a couple of other families, but the others already had plans.  The Howe's were able to come though, and it was so good to spend time with them again.  Since they moved up on post this past summer, we have hardly seen them.  It was good to spend time with them again.  It also gave us a chance to get acquainted with little Isaac who was born in October.  We had a yummy dinner including Jeremy's signature pulled pork, which was delicious and lots and lots of desserts!

Isley, Jesikah, and Hannah with baby Isaac.  Jesikah is getting her baby fill.

Isley and Strati joined us for dessert

Strati in his Cowboys gear.  He and Eric are both big Cowboys fans.  I thought the Cowboys had won the game on Thanksgiving because Eric had been cheering and Strati was decked out.  I found out a few days later that they had actually lost the game in the last seconds. :)

Jeremy and Strati chatting

This is Nick probably a few days after that when they came over between a break in their Sunday schedule to hang out.  We were showing them they new car which had just arrived that day.

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