Thursday, July 11, 2013

5 Months Old

This little boy is now 5 months old.  We left for Idaho the day after he turned 4 months and stayed for almost 3 weeks.  Lucky boy got to spend most of the last month with Grandma and Grandpa.  He has now officially met all of his cousins on the Ricks side.  He got the stomach flu during the past month while we were in Idaho.  I felt bad for the little guy.  He completely covered me in throw-up one night, but I didn't really mind.  I just felt bad for him.  He would cry and pull away every time I would try to feed him for a few days.  He even would cry and moan in his sleep at night.

He still sleeps great!  He usually sleeps all night waking up around 5 or 6am to eat and then goes back to sleep until around 7:30-8.  He is fun and interactive.  I finally learned how to get him to sleep in his carseat during church, so that has been a HUGE blessing this past month!  His thinks his tongue is pretty exciting right now.  He has it out every time he smiles. :)

Still keeps that tongue out a lot!

Loving to kick his legs!

I love this excited and engaged look he gives when he is interested in something.

He can almost sit-up now.  He still needs some support but is getting close!

Jarem loves his little brother.  We have to keep a close watch that Micah doesn't get smothered with his kisses.

Tired face and too hot outside

Some random pictures of Micah between 4-5 months of age
He has his own playlist on my Ipad.  He loves music to calm down and go to sleep in the car.  His blanket and his music!

Loving the tongue

More of the tongue

I love those eyes gazing up at me while I nurse him.

Alex takes every opportunity to hold Micah.  Micah loves chewing on his thumb but has never taken to sucking it or a pacifier

Alex interacting with him

At the airport getting his diaper changed during our trip to Idaho.  He did pretty well.

He got to meet his great grandma who is 99!!!

Holding Jarem's finger while going to sleep in the car

New toy he got frustrated with more often than played with

Jarem making Micah into a ninja.  Jarem thought this was SO funny!

At Grandma Ricks' house

We went to a play with my parents.  This is how Micah started was hopeful!

This is how he ended!  It was a little rough through the first half and he calmed down the second half.  This is the first time he had fallen asleep on my like this.

In the airplane on the way home from Idaho after 3 weeks.  There were lots of extra seats, so he laid on a seat next to me and played for awhile.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

21 Year Class Reunion

Since last year's 20 year reunion was kind of a flop, some members of my high school class decided to give it another chance this year.  Unfortunately, there still wasn't a good turnout.  However, it worked for me to be home, so I was excited to have an opportunity to go.  It was very nice, although sparsely attended.  It was fun to catch-up with the ones that were there, and nice to see everyone as adults and a bit more mature. :)

Class members and some spouses

It was a nice location and a delicious dinner

Day 3: Independence Lakes Hike

On Saturday, all that were able went on the Independence Lakes Hike.  From our family, Eric, Alex, Jesikah, and Tessa went.  Jarem might have been able to make it, but there would have been a lot of whining, so Micah, Jarem, and I stayed with the other moms and kids who didn't go.  The kids played together and we just relaxed a bit.

They had a great time on the hike though.  Here are some pictures from those who went on the hike.  I've been on that hike many times, and it really is a beautiful place.

Brenda and her fiance, John 

Alex always has to wear a jacket...even in the summer.  He turns the heat on in the car too!

I couldn't believe that John went swimming!!!  I am sure it was very cold.

Just out of the water